Copista -
AI photo filters
Cubism, expressionism.
AI photo filters. Turn photos into art with expressionism, cubism. AI photo effects and filters

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Copista - Cubism, expressionism.

AI photo filters

Turn your photos into cool artwork using the best styles of famous artists - expressionism, cubism painting art effects and photo art effects and filters empowered by deep machine learning and artificial intelligence!

Copista gives you the tools you need to transform your photos to amazing artwork within seconds, Copista is a playground where you can play with various styles, deep art effects photo filters, and share the results with friends on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.


New languages support
New cubism styles
Faster deep art filters

Get it on Google Play

Unleash you inner artist today and check out Copista!!!

With one quick touch you can take your photos to the next level.

Copista implements efficient deep learning algorithms called fast neural style transfer using small convolutional neural net models optimized to run on mobile devices.

Copista does not upload your images to servers, all creative work is done locally on your device.

Copista helps you turn photos into stunning masterpieces of cubism, impressionism, abstract art and expressionism with its super rich photo editing.

  • Amazing cubism, expressionistAI photo art effects and filters
  • Adjustable opacity of the photo filters
  • Highest quality
  • Share with Friends
  • Malevich and Vangogh AI photo filters
  • Portrait and landscape styles
  • Mosaic patterns
  • Rich ink and oil paints
  • Fast image processing near realtime
  • Works off line, no server upload!
  • Efficient mobile neural networks

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